Size: 8 X 12 X 1.35 in.

Please contact the gallery for more information on this artwork.

'The Spin’ references the difficulty disseminating information in this "Information Age!”  With so much access to so much information and to sift through the “dis” and “misinformation” available to us to arrive at some semblance of ’truth’.
The letters are cut out of steel from fonts that are used by newspapers as headlines or “copy” as typography effects hierarchy to convey information.  I’m personally a little obsessed with information media and with so much available to us and how polarizing it can be, how rarely we can find common ground and how unlikely people attempt to understand something out of their “belief” system.  I’m also fascinated by people’s beliefs.  I found 2024 quite a demanding and difficult year in the world of ‘headlines’ and the sculpture was a small tribute to that.  The figure reaching to grasp and consequently understand the world through so much information ’spun' to us!
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