Eleeshushe Parr
"Elleeshushe's creative talents brought her much respect in the community, not just for the drawing and carving but for her skillful sewing and elaborate designs she brought to the making of tradtitional skin clothing. Along with her husband Parr, she was a talented and prolific drawer, leaving a legacy of well over 1000 prints in the archives of the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative."
from "Strange Scenes: Early Cape Dorset Drawings", 1993
Also known as Elishushi, Ilisusi, Elisusi.
Born on June 9, 1896 in resided in Cape Dorset, NU. Died on February, 1975. Nationality is Inuit
2018 Cape Dorset Spring Graphics Release
2003 Then and Now - Inuit Prints from 1962-2002, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Ltd, Vancouver, BC
1995 Cross- Currents, Cape Dorset in the 1960's, Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, ON
1994 - 95 Cape Dorset Revisited, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON
1994 Cape Dorset Revisited - A Collection of Previously Unreleased Prints, West Baffin Eskimo Co-op, Cape Dorset, NU
1993 - 94 Contemporary Inuit Drawings, Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
1993 Strange Scenes: Early Cape Dorset Drawings, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON
1991 - 92 In Cape Dorset We Do It This Way: Three Decades of Inuit Printmaking, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON
1990 Inuit Graphics and Drawings from 1959-1990, Arctic Artistry, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
1989 Inuit Graphic Art from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
1987 Inuit Traditions in Graphics: 1961-1987, Arctic Artistry, Hartsdale, NY
1986 Cape Dorset Through the Years: 25 Years of Graphics and Sculpture, Arctic Artistry, Scarsdale, NY
1986 Inuit Graphics Through the Years: Rare Prints From the Arctic, Arctic Artistry, Scarsdale, NY
1985 Alaska Eskimo Dolls, Provincial Museum of Alberta, sponsored by the Alaska State Council on the Arts, Edmonton, AB
1983 - 85 Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections from the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON
1983 Inuit Masterworks: Selections from the Collection of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Museum of Man, Ottawa,
1982 Return to Origins II, The Arctic Circle, Los Angeles, CA
1978 Eskimo Art, Embankment Gallery, London, UK
1978 Looking South, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
1977 - 82 The Inuit Print, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Museum of Man, Ottawa, ON
1971 The Art of the Eskimo, Simon Fraser Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
1970 Graphic Art by Eskimos of Canada: First Collection, Cultural Affairs Division, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, ON
1967 Inoonoot Eskima:Grafik och Skulptur fran Cape Dorset och Povungnitik, Konstframjandet, Stockholm, Sweden
1966 - 70 Cape Dorset Graphics Annual Collection
1951 Eskimo Art, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON

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