Glenn Payan
Glenn and resides in the Gulf Spring Islands with his Wife. Glenn acknowledges the early artistic guidance of his father, a career draughtsman and immigrated Provencal artist in his own right, and more recently he also studied under Polish master Agata Teodorowicz (M.A. U. of Prague) for 2 years.
Glenn was an avid mountaineer and rock climber for many years; scaling a plethora of technical peaks and cliffs throughout BC, Alberta and the USA. Completely unaware that his future would be in the art world, Glenn would often sketch many of the mountain summits, glaciers, rock walls, forests and ridges he had visited, sometimes drawing his entire route up the peaks utilizing the landscape and many of the natural features of his ascent. Over the years, various factors encouraged him, as a family man, to throw his exuberant energy into developing his talents as an artist. He has maintained this deep-rooted love for the mountains though as evident in much of his artwork.
The subjects of many of Glenn’s paintings are colourful and, sometimes moody, whimsical landscapes: west coast and mountain villages, local Vancouver scenes and perched roadways winding along coastal waterways and between majestic mountains.