Markoosie Papigatuk
Markoosie Papigatuk
Markoosie began carving as a teenager and is largely self-taught. His mother, Komajuk Tunnillie, and grandparents Tayaraq and Qavaroak (Kabubuwa) Tunnillie, were all accomplished carvers in Cape Dorset. Markoosie mainly works with animal themes, which he treats with a characteristic whimsy.
-excerpt from Cape Dorset Sculpture
Markoosie began carving around the age of fifteen. He is a prolific artist and often carves small-scale sculpture. He depicts a variety of subject matter with exquisite detail and especially likes to depict animals in his work.
Although he is a self-taught carver, he has several artistic influences in his family. Markoosie’s mother, Komajuk Tunnillie, and grandmother, Tayara Tunnillie are also talented Cape Dorset carvers. His grandfather, the late Qavaroak (Kabubuwa) Tunnillie was a renowned sculptor in Cape Dorset. Courtesy – Feheley Fine Art
Born on May 27, 1976. Nationality is Inuit
2006 Arctic Miniatures, The Albers Gallery of Inuit Art, San Francisco, CA
2006 Rhythms in Motion, Galerie d’art Vincent, Ottawa, ON
2005 Cape Dorset Sculpture, Spirit Wrestler Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2000 Art in Stone, Canadian Arctic Gallery (Grunder) Hammerstrasse 50, Basel, Switzerland
1998 Sculpture from the Canadian Arctic, Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, ON
1997 Singing and Dancing and Playing, Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, ON
1997 Stone & Bone, The Inuit Master Carvers of the Canadian Arctic, Ketchum, ID
1996 Emerging Spirit, Banff Centre, Organized by Northern Art Impressions, Inc., Banff, AB
1996 Small Sculptures by Great Artists V, Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, ON
1996 Major/Minor, Marion Scott Gallery, Vancouver, BC
1995 Miniaturen, Inuit Galerie, Mannheim, Germany
1995 Sedna: Spirit of the Sea, Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, ON
1995 Inuit Mythology, Arctic Experience, Hamilton, ON
Musee d’art Inuit Brousseau, Quebec City, QC

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