Greg Henderson
Born February 20, 1968.
Kwakwaka'wakw Greg Henderson was born and raised into the Laichwiltach/Makwaxda’x culture and is the youngest son of the late Ernie Henderson, and grandson of the late master carver Sam Henderson Sr. His grandfather Sam was a high-ranking Nakwaxda’x chief amongst the Kwakwaka’wakw people.
Sam Henderson was raised in Ba’as (Blunden Harbour) by his mother Lucy Johnson, who was recognized amongst the chiefs to be high-ranking and powerful through the potlatch system. He was regarded as a keeper of the culture as he was raised and immersed in the old potlatch ways, making him a powerful force in the preservation of their culture even today. He moved to Campbell River when he was 28. He married a Laichwiltach princess (May Quocksister) and together they had 18 children, whom they taught the traditional ways. As a young boy, Greg was taught the importance of his culture and to respect it. At his father’s side he learned to carve as a young boy of eight. His uncles, Bill and Mark Henderson, both eminent artists, have been mentors for him. He worked for many years within the salmon fishery industry. In 1997, he began to fulfill his life-long dream and became a full-time artist.
Greg lives his life daily along the red road of his ancestors, enabling him to walk on the third road that takes you into the spirit world. Healing artists of today are shamans of their path, seeing through the thin veil that separates us from the other side. This brings him spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally more intact to his culture. Greg is proud to carry on a legacy that his grandfather preserved; it makes him proud to be a third generation carver.
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